Final-round action of the 2021 Short Par 4 Fall Classic in Myrtle Beach saw more sunny, warm skies up and down the Grand Strand and spirited competition on the links at Long Bay Club, Pawleys Plantation, Grande Dunes Resort Course, Rivers Edge and True Blue.
The Short Par 4 Fall Classic is a two-person team event that caters to those who cannot play golf at home due to the end of their golf season. With this week’s beautiful weather in the Palmetto State, participants are taking full advantage of Myrtle Beach’s mild fall season and playing some of the best courses on the Grand Strand.
In addition to the aforementioned courses, host sites for this year’s event included Arrowhead, Barefoot Resort & Golf’s Love, Norman and Dye courses, King's North at Myrtle Beach National, Pine Lakes, Prestwick, Thistle, TPC Myrtle Beach and World Tour Golf Links.