This summer, Charlie Rymer’s most ambitious Myrtle Beach golf journey begins. He’s visiting 66 golf courses along the Grand Strand this summer from Georgetown, South Carolina to the outer reaches of Brunswick County, North Carolina. And is documenting the journey every step of the way. Check out what’s in store for you in the coming weeks!
Charlie Rymer:
These last few years have been challenging. Getting diagnosed with cancer hit like a ton of bricks. I’m now grateful to be cancer free.
Curing myself of the cure for cancer is going to take some time. Some days I move better than others. Some days I feel better than others. I’ll get there. But it’s going to require patience. And humor. And support from friends and family.
I haven’t played much golf over the last two years. And there’s no place better to get back in the game than on 66 courses in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. My backyard!
We’ll keep score. Breaking par is a goal, but it’s not the goal. Just teeing it up on these beautiful golf courses means I’ve already won the prize.
Join me on my journey. And know that if you ever slice a ball off into the trees, there is always a path back to the fairway!