Rob Gronkowski & Charlie Rymer vs. The Dunes Club: How Will They Fare as a Team in the New PGA TOUR Venue?

We interrupt our regularly scheduled “Breaking Par with Charlie Rymer” programming to bring you a special edition from The Dunes Golf & Beach Club, where pro football great Rob Gronkowski joins Charlie for a three-hole team challenge match involving them along with Rob’s brother, Chris, and Rob Blair of Cross Over Marketing. It’s “The Big Timer” and Rob G. vs. Chris and Rob B. – and ALL of them vs. a new PGA TOUR course. Who ‘ya got?



Rob Gronkowski:

My friend taught me this right before I came here.

Rob Blair:

What are you even lining up right now?

Rob Gronkowski:

You got to line it up.

Chris Gronkowski:

Which friend?

Rob Blair:

You’re not even looking at it.

Rob Gronkowski:

Nick Leduca.

Charlie Rymer:

So what exactly are you doing when you line it up like that? Will you walk me through that?

Chris Gronkowski:

He’s visualizing.

Charlie Rymer:


Rob Gronkowski:

Yeah, visualizing.

Charlie Rymer:


Rob Blair:

It’s way too much warmup.

Rob Gronkowski:

Lot of wiggle.

Rob Blair:


Rob Gronkowski:

Not bad. Hook a little bit to the right. That’s actually important. It

Charlie Rymer:

That’s perfect. There’s so much water up there. You can’t believe it. And you missed every bit of it.

Rob Gronkowski:

I missed it all. That was a great shot. Now it’s going to be a direct shot on the left side, right to the hole.

Charlie Rymer:

I’m going to start visualizing.

Rob Gronkowski:

That was my game plan

Chris Gronkowski:

In the hole.

Charlie Rymer:

Seriously, where’d that come from? I watched you warm up, warm up. There wasn’t anything close to that. You’re a gamer, right?

Rob Gronkowski:

I’m a super gamer.

Rob Blair:


Chris Gronkowski:

Was there water?

Charlie Rymer:

He couldn’t even hit the range when he was warming up.

Rob Gronkowski:

I was like, what did you use? I used the driver.

Rob Blair:

You can, you can go clean up.

Rob Gronkowski:

Yeah. Wait, why didn’t you use the driver?

Charlie Rymer:

You’ll see when we get down there.

Rob Gronkowski:

I know.

Charlie Rymer:


Rob Gronkowski:

All right, I’ll see.

Charlie Rymer:

Yours might be all right though.

Rob Gronkowski:

Oh, that’s the shot.

Chris Gronkowski:

That’s just flash.

Rob Blair:

Is that in the water?

Rob Gronkowski:

Probably. Is it really water?

Rob Blair:

Yeah. Is that in the water?

Chris Gronkowski:


Rob Blair:

You all saw how smoked it was so it’s irrelevant.

Charlie Rymer:

It goes across the fairway down there. We’ll give y’all a drop for one stroke.

Chris Gronkowski:

Yeah. I probably won’t even put it in the water. I can’t hit it that far.

Rob Gronkowski:

Oh man.

Rob Blair:

That’s not in the water. We’re safe.

Rob Gronkowski:

Worst time of the day.

Chris Gronkowski:

There’s definitely not water over there.

Rob Gronkowski:

Lost ball. Bye-Bye ball.

Chris Gronkowski:

That’s dry.

Rob Gronkowski:


Chris Gronkowski:

This Is strategy. This is strategy

Rob Gronkowski:

Ball is lost. Bye bye. Oh, that’s my wallet.

Charlie Rymer:

Never seen so much stuff.

Rob Gronkowski:

Yeah, it’s my wallet. It’s pretty thick. I’m sorry.

Charlie Rymer:

Don’t let them get to you. So how old were you when you came down here when you were a kid?

Rob Gronkowski:

Oh, it was like from three years old to like 13.

Charlie Rymer:

Oh wow. And you drive down in the.

Rob Gronkowski:

We would drive down every year for spring break, like 10 years in a row. Myrtle Beach.

Charlie Rymer:

You come down in a big conversion van.

Rob Gronkowski:

A big conversion van. Exactly, man. All of us. All seven of us.

Charlie Rymer:

Morning fights.

Rob Gronkowski:

My two parents, my four brothers, we fought the whole way down and they would still bring us every year.

We stayed at the Crown Reef every single year. Yeah, that was the first thing I did when I just landed here in Myrtle Beach. I had Rob take me right by the Crown Reef and it brought back some wonderful memories. So my shot was fricking right on the money.

Charlie Rymer:

Yours was perfect.

Rob Gronkowski:

What do you think we should use? I’m not really sure. I don’t really know the measurements of golf.

Charlie Rymer:

I’m going to get you to use a sand wedge.

Rob Gronkowski:

I mean that’s not bad for never playing.

Charlie Rymer:

I know you killed it.

Rob Gronkowski:

I just walked up and killed it.

Charlie Rymer:

Well that’s the thing. I couldn’t believe you. I watched you warming up and you didn’t even come close to doing something like that. Warming up.

Rob Gronkowski:

What do you mean? My warmups were

Chris Gronkowski:

Your warmup was horrible.

Rob Gronkowski:


Chris Gronkowski:

And then your cameras show up and boom. Right?

Rob Gronkowski:

I’m a gamer. I’m a gamer. That’s what I do.

Chris Gronkowski:

These guys have zero chance of putting it on.

Rob Blair:

They’re adorable. Think they’re going to beat us today.

Chris Gronkowski:

Are you playing that ball?

Rob Gronkowski:

We’re playing my ball right here, but we’re going to walk over because we’re not lazy. I really put it on the fairway, man. I’m proud of myself.

Charlie Rymer:

You had a great one.

Rob Gronkowski:

Yeah, that was a great shot.

Charlie Rymer:

Hold on. Can I give you a tip?

Rob Gronkowski:

Yeah, of course.

Charlie Rymer:

What I’m seeing now is going to be a disaster.

Rob Gronkowski:

Of course it’s going to be.

Charlie Rymer:

So all your irons play them off the buttons in your shirt and your stance. You got it way forward. So you’re either going to hit that one heavy or you’re going to hit it real thin just because of the way you’re setting up. So if you move a little bit this way and play it off the buttons of your shirt, perfect. All your irons off the buttons in your shirt.

Rob Gronkowski:

This is where I struggle a little bit.

Charlie Rymer:

I’ve never had that tip work for anybody, but I keep trying.

Rob Gronkowski:

I’m going to make you look good eventually.

Chris Gronkowski:

That’s right where that fish jump.

Rob Blair:

Was that your other fish? Did you ever hit yet?

Charlie Rymer:

All right, let’s see what we got here.

Rob Gronkowski:

You’re going to make up for us.

Charlie Rymer:

Get down, baby.

Rob Gronkowski:

Too high, you think?

Charlie Rymer:

It looked a little long? Yeah

Rob Gronkowski:

Little long? It’s all right. I’ll take you.

Charlie Rymer:

We’ll be all right though.

Rob Gronkowski:

We’ll be good.

Charlie Rymer:

That tip has never worked for anybody. I’m thinking maybe Rob Gronkowski is the guy that’s going to work for. Didn’t work for him either.

Chris Gronkowski:

That’s why we didn’t need to go. Oh, that’s beautiful.

Rob Blair:

Oh, stay.

Chris Gronkowski:

Stay up there.

Rob Blair:


Rob Gronkowski:

I got to give it to you, Charlie. Man, that was a great hit. Did you put back spin on it?

Charlie Rymer:

Yeah, a little bit

Rob Gronkowski:

Is that why I thought it went to, is that why I thought it went way too far?

Charlie Rymer:

Yeah, it stopped real quick.

Rob Gronkowski:

But if you didn’t put back spin on it, what if it, if it was one spin, it would’ve went flying off.

Charlie Rymer:


Rob Gronkowski:

That’s why.

Rob Blair:

I mean if you’re going to put that beast.

Chris Gronkowski:

I know I’m going to have to smoke it. Let’s hope for a miracle.

Charlie Rymer:

He’s got no chance with this putter.

Rob Gronkowski:

You’re puttying this?

Chris Gronkowski:


Charlie Rymer:

Yeah. No chance.

He pulled it off.

Rob Gronkowski:

He did pull it off. Not bad.

Charlie Rymer:

Good shot.

Rob Blair:


Chris Gronkowski:

That’s a lot better than my chip would’ve been. What’s that back spin.

Rob Gronkowski:

This is my first putt of the day. No practice putts. Nothing.

Charlie Rymer:

You got it.

Rob Blair:

Oh, that’s cute. That’s cute putt.

Charlie Rymer:

Oh, I didn’t hit it.

Rob Gronkowski:

Oh yeah, but I par.

Charlie Rymer:

Good putt right there.

Chris Gronkowski:

Put a little pressure on him, That’s what I’m talking about.

Rob Blair:

Man. That’s where I come alive. Run the greens. That’s it.

Rob Gronkowski:

I told you Chris is good.

Charlie Rymer:

I’m a get.

Rob Gronkowski:

Two putts.

Charlie Rymer:

You ready for this?

Rob Gronkowski:

He two putted and he wasn’t even on the green. Oh, you did that on purpose.

Charlie Rymer:

No, I didn’t. Yeah, no. I didn’t want to see if Rob Gronkowski was a real gamer. No, I would never do that on purpose.

Rob Gronkowski:

It was pretty obvious.

Charlie Rymer:

If you miss this, we’d lose. I’m just saying.

Rob Gronkowski:

We already lost.

Charlie Rymer:


Rob Gronkowski:

We got Mark.

Charlie Rymer:

This is for the tie.

Rob Gronkowski:

Just tap it in. Tap it in. You got faith in me. And that’s why I love you, brother.

Chris Gronkowski:

That was, I mean.

Rob Blair:

Holes over what are we playing?

Chris Gronkowski:

Takes six different practice putts before you can even putt. So we might be out here a little while.

Charlie Rymer:

Good putt. I wanted to test you early.

Rob Gronkowski:

I know you did. I saw you missed [inaudible 00:07:24] . It was way too easy for you now. And it was so straight on. All right, no more talking. Talking.

Charlie Rymer:

Is it focus? Is it game time now?

Rob Gronkowski:

One more time. So I’ll probably just go over the whole swamp and land it right on the green.

Charlie Rymer:

You could try that. And if you pull it off, you’d be the first person ever to do it.

Chris Gronkowski:

We’re seven minutes behind after Rob’s putting. Five different warmups. And then he edits to lower his club and then do five more warmups. Ten warmup swings on a putt.

Charlie Rymer:

I would suggest, you see the palm trees straight away.

Rob Gronkowski:


Charlie Rymer:

Just hit it exactly like you did on the last hole right at those palm trees.

Rob Gronkowski:

I see it. I’ll just go straight.

Charlie Rymer:


Rob Gronkowski:

That’s, see that?

Charlie Rymer:

See that’s what I’m most likely doing,

Chris Gronkowski:

It’s in play. How’d you hit it? Right down that perfect path? Fairway.

Rob Gronkowski:

It’s the skinniest fairway of all time. And I pulled it off. I love golf again.

Rob Blair:

You’re legit.

Rob Gronkowski:

I love golf. That’s the shot we need.

Charlie Rymer:

Go a little

Rob Blair:

Hope that tree doesn’t get in the way.

Rob Gronkowski:

It won’t.

Chris Gronkowski:

That’ll be all right.

Rob Gronkowski:

Boom. Oh, that’s the drive you want on this hole.

Chris Gronkowski:

That’s what I was looking for. Look at that.

Rob Gronkowski:

On that on this hole. That’s it.

Chris Gronkowski:

They gave it that wow factor with that height right there.

Rob Blair:

Purposely sliced it a little bit too. Just so it’ll go to the right. A little.

Rob Gronkowski:

At least one Rob can hit it on the fairway. Get yours now.

Charlie Rymer:

She read my mind. I was just going to.

Rob Gronkowski:

Were you just asking about that?

Charlie Rymer:

Tell me about it.

Rob Gronkowski:

So Chris started it about six, seven years ago about. He had a protein cup and it was stinky. It stunk up his whole car. It was plastic, it was a piece. And then he decided to come up with an idea to create a protein cup that doesn’t smell and that’s very durable and that works well. This is what he came up with. I mean, this absolutely blows away from the first model that he started with obviously six years ago. And now he’s to the point where he put a speaker on the shaker cup as well. And you can play music wherever you are and connected to Bluetooth and just rock out. So we’re about to turn it on in a little bit and we’ll rock out, man. But it’s a great cup. Keeps your drink cold for 24 hours as well. Or it keeps your coffee hot for 24 hours. However, whatever you want to use it for. But it’s a great product, man. And it’s very durable as well. I can grind spike them and they don’t even break.

Chris Gronkowski:

Yeah. We should break out that dumpster fire bottle for Rob here. Let’s grab it.

Charlie Rymer:

Don’t start to hit.

Chris Gronkowski:

I think that this is the new bottle from Ice Shaker. I brought it out here for my brother.

Rob Blair:

Want it to go?

Chris Gronkowski:

I figured he’d have a couple good shots and then he would just fall apart, turn into a dumpster fire. So his clubs will probably end up here by the end of this round. So that’s why I brought this out here today. Just for him.

Rob Blair:

Get up.

Chris Gronkowski:

That’s not good.

Rob Gronkowski:

Looks like it’s a little pressure.

Chris Gronkowski:

My irons have been awful. Especially after I hit a good drive.

Rob Blair:

It’s good to hit the top.

Chris Gronkowski:

It’s pretty much guaranteed I hit it in the water.

Rob Gronkowski:

Oh, nice shot. But that’s a

Chris Gronkowski:

Little bit to the right.

Rob Gronkowski:

That looks really good.

Chris Gronkowski:

Just too much to right.

Rob Gronkowski:

Watch the splash. That was it right there.

Chris Gronkowski:

Yeah, there you go. He was all line.

Charlie Rymer:

Get out. Get out. We’ll be all right there.

Rob Gronkowski:

Yeah. Good luck beating us on this hole. Guys. Look at these houses. They’re beautiful.

Charlie Rymer:

Yeah, this is a great creek up in here.

Rob Gronkowski:

Yeah. It’s really cool.

Chris Gronkowski:

Right side. Let it go down a little bit.

Rob Blair:

Yeah, bro. Can’t wait to see.

Chris Gronkowski:

Oh man. That’s why I use a seven that can control it better.

Rob Gronkowski:

Rob Blair coming through. Wow.

Charlie Rymer:

Good shot.

Chris Gronkowski:

That is nice.

Rob Gronkowski:

What was that, shot number four though, right?

Chris Gronkowski:

No free drops.

Charlie Rymer:

Aight, you got this?

Rob Gronkowski:

I got it. About a foot to the right

Charlie Rymer:

Foot to the right

Rob Gronkowski:

A foot to the right. Foot to the right is correct. Right?

Charlie Rymer:

It’s very straight I think.

Rob Gronkowski:

But a little bit to the right,

Charlie Rymer:

Right? Yeah, A little to the right. But I’m betting you leave it short.

Rob Gronkowski:

Ah, you right. Straight on.

Chris Gronkowski:

Where are you hitting that?

Charlie Rymer:

Most people are going to leave it short and you got it there. And I’m really stretching for something positive to say about that putt. And that’s the only thing I can come up with.

Rob Gronkowski:

Yeah. My assessment was not that accurate.

Charlie Rymer:


Rob Gronkowski:

I just got to listen to you. I just got to listen to you. That’s what it’s about.

Charlie Rymer:

You owned it.

Rob Gronkowski:

Being precise.

Charlie Rymer:

I think it goes a little bit to the right.

Rob Gronkowski:

Yeah. You can read greens a lot better than I can.

Charlie Rymer:

I imagine you could catch a football a lot better than I can.

Rob Gronkowski:

I’m not sure. All right. That makes us even, we’re both great athletes.

Charlie Rymer:


Rob Gronkowski:

Is this a gimme? I think so.

Charlie Rymer:

I think it’s a gimme,

Rob Gronkowski:

I’ll just make it for you so you don’t even have to.

Charlie Rymer:

You guys are going to give us that one.

Rob Blair:

There’s no gimme.

Rob Gronkowski:

No, there’s no gimmes. That’s in. Oh!

Charlie Rymer:

So you went with an early call on that one?

Rob Gronkowski:

That’s in.

Chris Gronkowski:

That’s in. Yes.

Rob Gronkowski:

I got to stop coaching him. All right.

Charlie Rymer:

That was pretty fresh. Watch it.

Rob Gronkowski:

He’s not even going to have to hit.

Chris Gronkowski:

You guys ready?

Rob Blair:

You can even leave your ball in there. I would’ve got it for you.

Rob Gronkowski:

Really? That’s not how you hold it. Oh, there you go.

Charlie Rymer:

We didn’t really give him a free drive.

Rob Gronkowski:

No, no, no, no. Over there we, that was backwards.

Charlie Rymer:

We wouldn’t get out.

Rob Gronkowski:

That’s how good we are. We can putt backwards.

Chris Gronkowski:

He just hid it backwards, left hand.

Rob Gronkowski:

And lefty

Chris Gronkowski:

On the shot he missed.

Rob Blair:

We’re still even.

Charlie Rymer:

You ever run into Jack Nicklaus’ grandson Nick O’Leary anywhere?

Rob Gronkowski:

No. Never have. Wait, is that the tight end that used to play tight end? Wasn’t he on the Bills for a little bit?

Charlie Rymer:

Florida State, Bills, Dolphins

Rob Gronkowski:

Yeah, I remember him, man. He was a good little player.

Charlie Rymer:


Rob Gronkowski:

Yeah. No, I never ran into him before though. But man, I loved watching him. He wore no gloves.

Charlie Rymer:

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

Rob Gronkowski:

Yeah, yeah. He went to Florida State, right?

Charlie Rymer:

He did.

Rob Gronkowski:

Yeah. I remember watching him play.

Charlie Rymer:


Rob Gronkowski:

He was an intriguing player.

Charlie Rymer:

Yeah. So Mr. Nicklaus, I mean he’s my hero and got a chance to know him pretty well over the years. And they went to every one of those games. Jack and Barbara Nicklaus. Then you ask him about Nick and get about two hours.

Rob Gronkowski:

Well here we go. We’re in Sudden Death. We tied the first hole in the second hole and we’re just playing three holes here and we both powered both of the holes. So now Sudden Death. We were playing scramble so it was just best ball out of me and you versus these two. But now it’s no more scramble, but it’s still the same teams. We’re going to take your score and add my score and Chris is going to take his score and he’s going to add it to Rob’s score. And whoever has the lesser score after you add your two scores together wins Sudden Death. Are you guys ready?

Charlie Rymer:

I got a question.

Rob Gronkowski:

Yes. What’s the question?

Charlie Rymer:

How many free drops?

Rob Gronkowski:

Yes. Us three, we each get one free drop. And since you really are the PGA TOUR ex-player and the best here, you don’t get any drops.

Chris Gronkowski:

Okay. All right.

Probably perfectly fair. Look at that shot. It’s incredible.

Rob Gronkowski:

Where did it land? I didn’t see it land

Chris Gronkowski:

Right next to the pin.

Charlie Rymer:

You know they put that flag in the cup. That’s where it’s supposed to land. And that’s sort of where it did land. It’s sudden death, baby.

Rob Gronkowski:

What’s why we’re going to win Sudden Death baby. That’s a great start. I’ll go next.

Charlie Rymer:

All right, you go next.

Chris Gronkowski:

Oh yeah.

Rob Gronkowski:


Chris Gronkowski:

Oh yeah, that’s in the water.

Rob Blair:

You get a free drop though, right there.

Rob Gronkowski:

Yep, Free, free drop right there

Chris Gronkowski:

Oh yeah, you’re right.

Charlie Rymer:

You’re good. Yeah, you’re good.

Chris Gronkowski:


Rob Gronkowski:

I’ll take it.

Charlie Rymer:

Yeah, you’re good.

Chris Gronkowski:

You should have used the tee.

Rob Gronkowski:

I’ll take it.

Chris Gronkowski:

That’s what I’m going to do.

Charlie Rymer:

That’s going to be.

Chris Gronkowski:

A perfect ball for a drop.

Charlie Rymer:

Yeah, that’s going to need a free drop.

Rob Blair:

Like this free drop.

Chris Gronkowski:

I like this rule. Can you drop that?

Rob Gronkowski:

Seizure drop too?

Charlie Rymer:

You guys seeing where mine is? I lost it.

Rob Gronkowski:

Yeah, it’s right next to the pin buddy.

Charlie Rymer:


Rob Gronkowski:


Charlie Rymer:


Rob Gronkowski:

So silly. Boy.

Charlie Rymer:

How did that happen? It’s hard to hold back talent.

Rob Gronkowski:

Just got to get it on the green side.

Charlie Rymer:

Is this a team thing, right?

Rob Gronkowski:

Yes it is

Charlie Rymer:

On the green middle of the green.

Chris Gronkowski:

He needs to check this again. Oh that’s good. Oh, please ball. Please. Oh yeah, that’s makeable.

Rob Gronkowski:

Oh, this is straight on. I love it.

Chris Gronkowski:

I would watch out. Tree.

Rob Blair:

It’s right there Rob. See it.

Rob Gronkowski:

That was a damn good shot, too. If I just did that over there.

Charlie Rymer:


Rob Gronkowski:

So now I’m going for four.

Chris Gronkowski:

One. Oh, you got the free drop there. Two. This is four.

Charlie Rymer:

What was he thinking?

Rob Gronkowski:

Now I screw myself.

Chris Gronkowski:

Why is he using that club?

Rob Gronkowski:

But that shot was a nice shot though.

Rob Blair:

It looked great.

Chris Gronkowski:

Why would you use a club that’s going to fluff it right into a tree?

Charlie Rymer:

Somebody’s going to get hurt on this.

Chris Gronkowski:

Wow. Got it through. If you could put this close and then put it in.

Rob Gronkowski:

If I can get six and then you get two, that’s eight and you guys are both on four.

Chris Gronkowski:

It’d be a lot of pressure though. If you put this close.

Charlie Rymer:

There you go.

Rob Gronkowski:

That was my best shot of the day besides my drive.

Charlie Rymer:

Nice one.

Rob Gronkowski:

Let me just get a six real quick.

Chris Gronkowski:

That’s not hard enough.

Charlie Rymer:

Hit it, hit it, hit it, hit.

Rob Blair:

I’ll give you that.

Charlie Rymer:

How does that not break, right?

Rob Gronkowski:

That was a nice shot.

Rob Blair:

That wasn’t terrible.

Charlie Rymer:

Oh thank you.

Chris Gronkowski:

This is for par.

Rob Gronkowski:

So we got 10

Chris Gronkowski:

Par with a drop

Rob Gronkowski:

Total. 10.

Charlie Rymer:

You better keep talking.

Rob Gronkowski:

Seven. So you’re going for a seven. Right?

Rob Blair:

So I have two puts to win.

Rob Gronkowski:

What was that?

Chris Gronkowski:


Rob Blair:

Four. This the four.

Chris Gronkowski:


Rob Gronkowski:


Chris Gronkowski:

That’s a good start. That’s a good start.

Charlie Rymer:

Get him, get him Gronk.

Rob Gronkowski:

Just a little bit up. I mean, good thing we didn’t have done anything.

Rob Blair:

Yeah, I know.

Charlie Rymer:

Enjoyed it. A lot of fun.

Rob Gronkowski:

You man.

Charlie Rymer:

That was lot fun. A lot of fun.

Rob Gronkowski:

Thank you man.

Charlie Rymer:

Thank you. Great meeting you guys.

Rob Gronkowski:

Thank you.

Charlie Rymer:


Rob Gronkowski:

Your pleasure.

Charlie Rymer:

Thank you. Appreciate it.

Rob Gronkowski:

I’ll get [inaudible 00:18:06].

Chris Gronkowski:

You had to have a terrible.

Rob Gronkowski:

I can’t get any worse.

Charlie Rymer:

All right guys, I know Myrtle Beach has been a special part of y’all’s lives going back to when you were kids. Appreciate you coming up. I know it’s been a few years since you’ve been here and appreciate you sharing about Ice Shaker as well. Good luck to you guys and hope to see you here a lot.

Chris Gronkowski:

Yeah, that brought back a lot of good memories back in the day. I used to beat Rob up and now I’m out here on the course doing the same thing again. So it feels good to be back out here.

Charlie Rymer:

Well cool. Thank you for not bringing up the match.

Chris Gronkowski:

Oh yeah, yeah, no problem.

Charlie Rymer:

You don’t get to make the rules in the match anymore.

Rob Gronkowski:

I’m done. I just got smoked. I’m awful. I can’t even say anything besides just thank you, Myrtle Beach. Just my golf game’s not great, but these generous views, this wonderful golf course is still making me happy. That’s how awesome Myrtle Beach is. Even when you are absolute terrible at golf, you lose to these two guys. You’re still having a good time because this place is that that awesome, my dawg.

Chris Gronkowski:

There you go. That’s a wrap.