As part of a major, ongoing course enhancement project, Thistle Golf Club in Sunset Beach, N.C. has been installing the PermaEdge Sod Bunker System throughout the award-winning design – transforming many of its sand traps in a visually stunning new way. We recently caught up with Thistle Superintendent John Pridgen and PGA Head Professional Brian Eckley to share their thoughts on the project, including the steps involved and the impact it has on their guests’ playing experience.
John Pridgen:
First we have to excavate the bunker out and get a level bench set in the bunker to start the process. And once we do that, once they start the first layer, we have to back fill it with native soil and Portland cement mixed together and every layer they go up, they have to backfill it and as it’s back filled, it has to be tamped and each piece has to be hand cut and it has to be watered, hand cut, and then stacked. So it is a very time-consuming process.
Brian Eckley:
I would say the biggest thing is just the visual aesthetics that they see. It just really is fantastic as to what you’re looking at when you’re playing it. When it starts out, it’s very green. It looks a little bit different then as it starts getting played, you start seeing the sand collect in there a little bit. So it really is a unique look.
There is a challenge with it because it is a wall and it can be intimidating per se, sometimes because you might get too close to it. You might have to play the ball sideways a little bit. But if you get a good bounce off of it will ricochet a little bit and it does have somewhat of a soft feel, even though it’s pretty firm in there.
John Pridgen:
I feel like it just improves the look of the bunkers as something unique. But it does really cut down on the maintenance of the bunkers once it’s done, because when we get our heavy rains, they don’t tend to wash as bad. They don’t really wash at all and we’re able to get the course back up and ready and playable quicker with doing the stacked sod.
Brian Eckley:
It’s pretty cool as (guests) come in the front gate for the most part, they’re getting a nice greeting at the gatehouse staff. They’re getting a great greeting when they get to the backdrop, which it really is nice to know that I’ll just speak for our whole staff is everyone wants to be here. They like being here. We know we’re one of the best courses around, and I know for certain that we do offer the best staff. So you’re getting a nice, warm greeting from the start all the way to the finish. Then you add in the clubhouse. As beautiful as this is, they certainly did not spare any expense here. Then the golf course speaks for itself. We know the course conditions are top-notch. It really is just a fantastic experience from start all the way till the time that they leave.