This year’s spring trip, which was pushed into June, had 50 people and his second Myrtle Beach golf trip, scheduled for October, will have upwards of 40.
We caught up with Yarborough, who has been organizing Myrtle Beach golf vacations for nearly 20 years, after his June visit for his thoughts the keys to organizing a great golf trip and why Myrtle Beach is his destination of choice.
What golf courses did you play as part of your Myrtle Beach golf package?
Thistle, Crow Creek, Carolina National and Rivers Edge.
What is the most important part of putting together a successful trip?
Communication is the key. You have to keep track of everyone in your group and keep them up to date with what’s going on. I try to get early commitments and find good courses and accommodations to help entice more players to come.
What states did the guys in your group come from?
We had guys Maryland, North Carolina, Michigan, Georgia, Illinois, Hawaii and California.
What is so appealing about a buddies Myrtle Beach golf trip and where do you guys like to eat?
Just the camaraderie and getting together twice a year to have a good time. We try to dine together and hang out. We might go to Japanese one night and German the next, but the one place we always go to is Angelo’s, and we always get seafood up in Calabash.
Why is Myrtle Beach your preferred destination?
Myrtle Beach has a lot to do and there are so many different courses. We’ve been to other places (on occasion) but we like Myrtle Beach because of the golf, the ocean, the different restaurants and the atmosphere.
What are your favorite Myrtle Beach golf courses?
I always enjoy Rivers Edge, Thistle, and Tiger’s Eye and the courses at Ocean Ridge. Down in Myrtle Beach, the Legends always treat us good and I like Man O’War.
What piece of advice would you give a group leader attempting to organize a 40+ person trip?
Take the time to keep everything organized, and make sure everyone enjoys their stay and accommodations. I always take into consideration how everyone plays (when making pairings). I try to keep high and low scores together so nobody feels overmatched on the course.
What are the best and worst scores ever recorded on your trip?
I believe the best score we’ve ever had is a 69 and the worst is around 120.